Crafting an Online Voice for the Most Competitive Seats in Congress


The Blue Dog PAC, a longtime coalition for some of the most moderate and competitive districts in Congress, partnered with BCom to establish a new digital voice – and fundraising strategy. With a focus on audience growth and unique messaging opportunities, we developed a sustainable program that not only grew the reach of the organization, it also allowed us to build a profitable fundraising machine to support incumbent and challenger races in the cycles ahead.

Political Campaigns and Policy
Digital Fundraising, List Buidling + Acquisition, Messaging Strategy, Texting Program


While the organization has been around for decades, the online voice of the Blue Dogs was not established.


Through an aggressive paid acquisition campaign and consistent messaging, BCom established the online voice for the moderate Blue Dog coalition – and delivered a 150% ROI in the first cycle.

Sustainable, Authentic Digital Fundraising Strategy

After working with several Blue Dog members and candidates, the coalition asked BCom to develop a similar program for the political action committee. To ensure we remained on message, BCom conducted a number of voice and messaging calls and meetings with the co-chairs. With a cohesive and “true-to-brand” message, we acquired new contacts through a variety of vendors and sources, growing the Blue Dog active universe from a few thousand names to over 250,000 names in just one cycle.

High-Performing Content + Smart Acquisition

We tested both free and paid acquisition sources by acquiring lists from former Blue Dog members and purchasing emails from a variety of candidates and data vendors. We began onboarding these emails with a top-performing introductory email from the three co-chairs. Our content balanced messages that consistently demonstrated success for fundraising between protecting vulnerable members and flipping seats from red to blue.


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We found that while free acquisition from candidates lists and swaps can be a supplemental source of income for the Blue Dogs, the bulk of our fundraising came from paid acquisition sources. List acquisition can be an extremely effective way to grow your email and texting universes and substantially increase your online fundraising efforts. We would be happy to work with you to help achieve your online fundraising goals, just like we did for the Blue Dogs.